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The fall is typically the season in which most churches make their case for financially supporting their ministry while also teaching the biblical principles of giving. Therefore, in my next Lectionary Sermon Series “Enemies of Gratitude,” which we began Sunday, September 27th, we will have the opportunity to teach gratitude by calling out the things that keep us from being genuinely grateful. In each sermon, we will see how a misplaced focus— on how things could be or used to be better, how we’re not getting what we think we deserve, or simply how life’s struggles are keeping us down— prevents us from seeing all the blessings that are right in front of us. While the Scripture selections move back and forth from the Old Testament to the New, the need for “an attitude of gratitude” is made clear in each week’s lection. Therefore, I hope each of you join us every Sunday at 8:15 AM and 11 AM as we dive into God’s Word together so we can grow as Disciples of Jesus Christ! (Amy Butler, 2016)

May Christ Bless you and Keep You,
Pastor Richard Blue, Jr.